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The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery (mid-14th(?)-16th century): The case of ‘Miletus Ware’
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Miletus Ware found in Funa, Crimea (courtesy I. Teslenko, CAD J. Burlot)

Open access

New populations in Western Anatolia at the beginning of the Turkish periods also brought new pottery types, technology of manufacture and raw material procurement, as presented in this paper in the case of the 'Miletus Ware'.

J. Burlot, S.Y. Waksman, L. Bellot-Gurlet, G. Şimșek, The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery (mid-14th(?)-16th century): the case of ‘Miletus Ware’, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 29 (2020) (online 2019,