This online conference is organized by the Byzantine studies research center of the Boğaziçi University (Istanbul).

By ywaksman on

Les jeudis Alimentation – Santé – Société, des séances de discussion et de débat entre et acteurs.rices des Transitions Alimentaires, permettent de réinterroger la place de l’alimentation dans nos sociétés.

La conférence « Reconstituer l’alimentation des populations du passé grâce à l'archéologie », aura lieu le jeudi 24 Novembre 2022 à 19h à la Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie – Lyon

By ywaksman on

This research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation was organized by Judith Bronstein (Haifa University), Lisa Yehuda (Tel Aviv University) and POMEDOR member Edna Stern (Israel Antiquities Authority) in the framework of their ISF project.

The program proposed talks by several other POMEDOR members, and included a great visit of the emblematic site of Saint-Jean d'Acre, guided by the very archaeologists who excavated large parts of the Crusader city and studied its food-related stuctures and material culture (E. Stern, E.J. Stern, L. Yehuda).

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A two-day conference organised by Chris Wickham (Oxford) and Alessandra Molinari (Tor Vergata)

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The aim of the Symposium is to promote the development and use of scientific techniques, for the extraction of archaeological and historical information from the cultural heritage and the paleoenvironment. It involves all Natural Sciences and all types of objects and materials related with human activity. Emphasis will be given to integrated and multi-disciplinary studies involving archaeological or anthropological research.  

By ywaksman on

Since its foundation in 1976, the GMPCA (Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l'Archéologie) association has aimed to develop research on multidisciplinary methods contributing to archaeology in France and around the world. This association brings together specialists from various disciplines contributing to the resolution of archaeological and art history problems. The interface of these disciplines with archaeology is called "Archaeometry".

By ywaksman on

Within this series of seminars proposed by the CReA laboratory (Université Libre de Bruxelles), POMEDOR member Edna Stern presents a talk entitled:

"Migration, cultural encounters and economic changes: The emergence of specialized pottery workshop clusters in the Crusader kingdoms and states (12th-13th centuries)"


Program of the series of seminars, October 2021 - May 2022


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The XIIIth Congress on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics of AIECM3 organized by Universidad de GranadaServicio de investigación de la AlhambraUnidad de Excelencia de la Alhambra and Fundación Fajalauza; on 8-13 November 2021. AIECM3 is an international association for the study of medieval and modern pottery in the Mediterranean. It organizes the International Conference (CICM3) every three year and also programs innovative thematic workshops.

By ywaksman on

Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery (BECAP) is an international biennial conference aiming at gathering specialists from the field of pottery studies, organized by the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, and the Institute of Archaeology.

BECAP 22 – Pots as media: Decoration, technology and message transmission

Belgrade, 12-13th May 2022

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The international conference "Ceramics from Islamic Lands" was organised by Mariam Rosser-Owen (Victoria and Albert Museum, London) and Leslee Michelsen (Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art).

The inaugural keynote lecture and the roundtables discussions are available on the V&A blog:


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