The 3rd workshop "Mediterranean food, historical analyses and museum issues" is organized by the MUCEM (Marseilles, France), to propose a new permanent exhibition focusing on Mediterranean food and foodways.
It will be proposed at the MUCEM museum from 2020 onwards.

Further information

Free registration

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The theme of the 13th International ANAMED annual symposium, organized by Filiz Yenișehirlioğlu, Beate Arslan Böhlendorf and POMEDOR member Nikos Kontogiannis, is

Glazed Wares as Cultural Agents in the Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman Lands: Evidence From Technological and Archaeological Research

It will take place in Istanbul on 6-7 December 2018.

By ywaksman on

The program of the 12th International Congress on Medieval & Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics is online!

It is particularly rich, and we are very happy that a special day will focus on Thebes and Chalkis, and take place there.

Many members of the POMEDOR network will attend and present their work.



Conference website

AIECM3 association

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Several researchers of the POMEDOR network with take part in the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA).

Alessandra Pecci organizes, together with C. Lancelotti, D. Zurro, F. Carrer, the session

"Anthropic activity markers: archaeology and ethnoarchaeology"

By ywaksman on

A new permanent exhibition focusing on Mediterranean food and foodways will be proposed at the MUCEM museum in Marseilles from 2020 onwards.

The workshop "Mediterranean food, historical analyses and museum issues" is organized in this perspective.


Further information and list of participants are available on the MUCEM website, free registration at


By ywaksman on

The 12th AIECM3 conference will take place in Athens on 21rst - 27th October 2018.

The Congress is organized by the Department of Archaeology and the History of Art of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens with the participation of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Institute of Historical Research), the French School at Athens and the Centre for the Study of Modern Ceramics (G. Psaropoulos family Foundation).
In the framework of the Congress, exhibitions of Medieval and Modern Ceramics and workshops will be organized.

By ywaksman on

This conference, in memoriam Fabiola Ardizzone, will present different aspects of production and trade of medieval amphorae. It is organized by the Universities of Rome “Tor Vergata” and of Venice "Ca’ Foscari", the French School at Rome, the ERC project “SICTRANSIT” and the AIECM3 association.

Several POMEDOR members will participate:

N. GARNIER, A. PECCI (Laboratoire Nicolas Garnier; Universidad de Barcelona)
What did amphorae carry? Highlighting production and trade of food in the Middle Ages through biomolecular residues analysis.

By ywaksman on

POMEDOR member Catherine Richarté will present a talk entitled:

"À la recherche de biomarqueurs. Analyses archéométriques et contributions à l’étude des contenus des récipients des épaves islamiques de Provence (fin IXe - débit Xe siècle)"

together with N. Garnier, S. Gutierrez Lloret, C. Capelli,

Conference program

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21th GMPCA Conference poster (credits: GMPCA)

For the 21th archaeometry symposium organised by the GMPCA in Rennes (France – 18-21/04/17), a talk will be presented by POMEDOR members Jacques Burlot and Yona Waksman, about glaze recipes of early Turkish Pottery.

Title: Burlot J., Waksman S.Y., Bouquillon A., Bellot-Gurlet L.: Produire la glaçure des premières céramiques «turques» dans l’Ouest anatolien: analyse des matériaux et des techniques.

Y. Waksman will also moderate the round-table Management and Operation of Archaeometric Collections and Data: Which Challenges?

By ywaksman on

The 2nd International Conference on Art & Archaeology 2016 will take place on December 11-14, 2016 in Jerusalem, Israel.

The POMEDOR project will be present through two communications:

"Archaeological and Archaeometric Investigations of Islamic and Crusader Pottery in the Levant"
Yona Waksman, France, Edna Stern, Anastasia Shapiro, Smadar Gabrieli, Israel, Alessandra Pecci, Spain

By ywaksman on