"Jars and large containers between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era" will be the first international topical congress of the AIECM3.

The program and the abstracts of the communications.

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A new series of lectures, coordinated by Evangelia Balta, will take place from October 2014 to May 2015 at the Sismanoglio Megaro in Istanbul.

All lectures will be uploaded to the Bodossaki Foundation’s digital platform
BLOD (Bodossaki Lectures on Demand) (www.blod.gr).

Program of the lectures


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organized by Roos van Osten, and by Joanita Vroom and Yona Waksman of the POMEDOR network, at the next EAA meeting will take place on Saturday September 13th afternoon.

Session (T04S011) in the theme T04 "Environment and Subsistence: Geosphere, Ecosphere and Human Interactions"

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A lecture by A. Dalby followed by a Byzantine dinner at the Getty villa.

More information

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La confrontation des sources littéraires et des données archéologiques s'avère importante pour essayer de comprendre tout à la fois la mise en place des interdits alimentaires particuliers à une religion, les limites de la mise en pratique des interdits alimentaires et leur évolution dans le temps. Les interdits alimentaires et les restrictions sur la commensalité permettent à différents groupes religieux d’établir une frontière entre « eux » et « nous ». Il existe donc un corpus de textes normatifs appartenant aux droits religieux et civils interdisant la consommation d’aliments particuliers.
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The Levantine Ceramic Project (www.levantineceramics.org) and POMEDOR will host a workshop in Lyon devoted to issues of ceramic database linkages and interoperability, and to the development of search and statistical tools to enhance database functionality. Program 9h-9h30: Interconnecting ceramics databases: introduction and scope – Y. Waksman (CNRS, Lyon) 9h30-10h: The National Roman Fabric Reference Collection (UK): Implementation and Development as an Online Resource – R. Tomber (British Museum, London) 10h-10h20: coffee break 10h20-10h40: The Levantine Ceramics Project (LCP) – A. Berlin (Boston University) 10h40-11h: Collaborative programming via an application programming interface (API) – R. Alwani (savique.com, Cambridge MA)
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The 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE) will take place in Basel (Switzerland) from June 9-13, 2014.
The following papers will be presented in the Islamic session by members of the POMEDOR network:

C. Bouchaud, P.-M. Blanc: Plant heritage and agricultural systems in Near East during Islamic period

A. Eger : (Re)Mapping Medieval Antioch: Life After the Islamic Conquests

M.-O. Rousset : Discovering the Fatimid mosque of Tyre (Lebanon)

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Listen to the podcast

During this meeting, co-organized with the theme PRALIM of the "Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée" in Lyon, members of the POMEDOR network will present different aspects of food and foodways in the late Roman and medieval Eastern Mediterranean and Middle-East:


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Questions related to the POMEDOR project include food identity and patrimonial values. The symposium will examine how food heritage takes part in culinary productions, exchanges and circulation. What are transfers and mixing? which representations and mythologies are involved in new desires ?



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