Submitted by ywaksman on
Byzantine Pottery Replicas
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Byzantine Pottery Replicas made in Roussillon (photo Lucie Courbe)

.. were made by Jean-Jacques Dubernard, a potter operating in Roussillon near Lyon, on the special occasion of the Byzantine dinner organized for POMEDOR final conference.
Jean-Jacques has been working with Lyon laboratory in the past, especially on recreation of Roman pottery.

Replicas of Byzantine White Wares (Impressed White Ware, Shafing Dish...), of the main Middle Byzantine Production (Fine Sgraffito, Aegean Ware, Champlevé, Green and Brown Painted Ware, Slip-Painted Ware), and of Zeuxippus Ware, late sgraffito ware, Port-Saint Symeon Ware were made following archaeological models.

They will be used later on as educational material, especially for the workshop "Archaeological and archaeometric approaches to ceramics. Pottery of the Byzantine world and of the medieval Eastern Mediterranean" organized every 2 years in Lyon by S.Y. Waksman.