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POMEDOR final conference, Lyon 19-21/5: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean
Start date and time
Thursday, 19 May 2016
End date and time
Saturday, 21 May 2016

7 rue Raulin



See map: Google Maps


Within the rapidly expanding area of research on food and foodways, the medieval eastern Mediterranean is still very much an unexplored area. The aim of the POMEDOR project was to explore this new field in a multidisciplinary way and to stimulate further research. Although the project focused primarily on food and foodways approached through archaeological and archaeometric studies of pottery - from transport amphorae to serving dishes, through food processing utensils, cooking wares, and wares used in food production processes - the conference encompassed a wider field, including historical, archaeozoological, archaeobotanical and anthropological studies.

Case studies in Greece, Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Ukraine, etc., provide insight into food and foodways in the Byzantine Empire, the Crusader states, and beyond. Special attention was paid in the project to transitional periods, when new rulers and new populations with different cultural identities came into contact: the Fatimid and Crusader Levant, the Aegean between Byzantine and Frankish rule, Anatolia from the Byzantine to the Ottoman periods, etc. The conference presents the latest research, from exploratory studies on Late Byzantine transport amphorae to synthesis on the role of the harbour of Chalcis in food and pottery supply and maritime trade.

The POMEDOR project is funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR).

Information and Registration before May 1rst:

Download the Conference Program

Download the Posters Program

Program & Abstracts


Cyprus and the Levant

Session chair Nicholas Coureas

12h45 Lunch Break

Session chair Smadar Gabrieli

15h45 Coffee Break

Session chair Scott Redford

20h00 Conference Dinner (for speakers)

Byzantine Dinner Created by S. Grainger, A. Dalby and I. Anagnostakis
Paul Bocuse Institute, Ecully
Under the Patronage of Chef Régis Marcon




Byzantium and beyond

Session chair Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu

12h45 Lunch Break

Session chair Béatrice Caseau

15h45 Coffee Break

Session chair Richard Jones

18h30 Public Conference
Banquets byzantins: la gastronomie du centre du mondeA. Dalby



Trading goods, trading tastes

Session chair Michel Balard

10h45 Coffee Break

Session chair Edna Stern

13h00 Lunch Break

Byzantium and beyond

Session chair Joanita Vroom

15h30 Concluding Remarks