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I contenitori da trasporto alto-medievali e medievali (VIII-XII secolo). Centri produttori, contenuti, reti di scambio
Image credits
Amphora of type Günsenin III produced in Chalcis, Greece (Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities of Chalkida, photo S.Y. Waks
Start date and time
Thursday, 16 November 2017
End date and time
Saturday, 18 November 2017

École française de Rome

Piazza Navona 62



See map: Google Maps


This conference, in memoriam Fabiola Ardizzone, will present different aspects of production and trade of medieval amphorae. It is organized by the Universities of Rome “Tor Vergata” and of Venice "Ca’ Foscari", the French School at Rome, the ERC project “SICTRANSIT” and the AIECM3 association.

Several POMEDOR members will participate:

N. GARNIER, A. PECCI (Laboratoire Nicolas Garnier; Universidad de Barcelona)
What did amphorae carry? Highlighting production and trade of food in the Middle Ages through biomolecular residues analysis.

C. RICHARTÉ-MANFREDI, N. GARNIER, C. CAPELLI, S. GUTIÉRREZ LLORET (Université Lumière-Lion II; Laboratoire Nicolas Garnier; Università di Genova; Universidad de Alicante)
Analyses archéométriques (biochimiques et pétrographiques) et contributions à l'étude des récipients des épaves islamiques de Provence (fin 9e - Début 10e s.)

E. TODOROVA (National Institute of Archaeology with Musuem, Bulgarian Academy of Science)
“Dark Age” Amphorae from Present-day Bulgaria – Typology, State of Research, Problems and Future Perspectives

J. VROOM (Leiden University)
Following the Flow: Mapping Amphorae in the Byzantine World

Y. WAKSMAN (CNRS, UMRS 5138, Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée)
Archaeometric investigations of Eastern Mediterranean medieval amphorae

Program of the conference