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GMPCA PhD prize won by a member of the POMEDOR network
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© Jean-Claude Fossey, CRAHAM

Charlène Bouchaud, a member of the POMEDOR network, won a prize for her PhD thesis in archaeobotanics entitled "Paysages et pratiques d’exploitation des ressources végétales en milieux semi-aride et aride dans le sud du Proche-Orient : Approche archéobotanique des périodes antique et islamique (IVe siècle av. J.-C. – XVIe siècle ap. J.-C.)" defended at the University of Paris 1 "Panthéon-Sorbonne" in 2012.

The GMPCA (Group for Multi-field Processes Contributing to Archaeology) is an association of archaeological scientists based in France. It awards PhD prizes every 2 years on the occasion of its bi-annual Archaeometry conference.