Medieval ceramics from the Türbe excavations in Ephesos / Ayasuluk: an archaeometric viewpoint ywaksman

Production and imports - especially of MBP wares from Chalcis - were investigated in Ephesos between the Middle Byzantine and the early Turkish periods, which sees the introduction of new wares in the local repertoire.

Archaeometric analyses in Ephesos. A diachronic perspective

Submitted by ywaksman on
Start date and time
Thursday, 5 February 2015 - 2:00pm

A seminar focusing on archaeometric approaches to pottery studies in Ephesos, with a contribution by POMEDOR members Jacques Burlot and Yona Waksman on the Byzantine and Turkish periods.

Ephesos is one of the sites in Western Turkey where we are investigating the introduction of new pottery types, uses and technological features with the arrival of Turkish populations, at the Beylik and early Ottoman periods.