This second meeting brought together members of the core POMEDOR group together with new members of the network, especially Cypriot and other colleagues working on Cyprus. We were welcomed at the Leventis municipal Museum of Nicosia by its Director Demetra Papanikola-Bakirtzi.

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Le XIXe Colloque du Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie (GMPCA) est organisé par le Centre Michel de Boüard, le laboratoire Géographie physique et Environnement (Géophen LETG) et le service archéologie du Conseil général du Calvados.

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Complete program and further information on the CTHS website

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The first POMEDOR meeting was mainly devoted to archaeological contexts and categories of ceramics which will be selected for investigation during the project. After a general presentation of the POMEDOR project and of its tools for collaborative research (Y. Waksman), precisions regarding the different methods of analyses (elemental, petrographic, residues analysis) and sampling specificities were given (A. Shapiro, Y. Waksman, A. Pecci). Regional presentations of sites and ceramic material were given by the regional coordinators J. Vroom (Turkey, Greece), E.J. Stern (Israel) and S.

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