Ceramics of Crimea of the 15th century

Submitted by ywaksman on

This book presents the synthesis of a long-term study of ceramics of the 15th century found in the Ctimea. It is based on the analysis of large volumes of archaeological materials. The author proposes a detailed classification, typology and chronology of ceramics and clarifies some technological features of the local and imported wares. She also focuses on the directions and fluxes of ceramics trade, and on the factors which influenced the development of the local pottery production in late medieval Crimea.

The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery (mid-14th(?)-16th century): The case of ‘Miletus Ware’

Submitted by ywaksman on

Open access

New populations in Western Anatolia at the beginning of the Turkish periods also brought new pottery types, technology of manufacture and raw material procurement, as presented in this paper in the case of the 'Miletus Ware'.

PhD defence J. Burlot "First Productions of Turkish Ceramics in Western Anatolia: Contextualisation and Technical Studies"

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PhD defence J. Burlot "First Productions of Turkish Ceramics in Western Anatolia: Contextualisation and Technical Studies"
Image credits
Photo under the binocular microscope of a section of "Miletus Ware", showing the layers of body, slip,
and of glaze coloured with cobalt; dimension of the frame 1,4 x 1,1 mm (photo J. Burlot)
Start date and time
Monday, 11 September 2017 - 2:30pm

Université Lyon 2

See map: Google Maps


Jacques Burlot will defend his PhD thesis, carried out under the direction of Y. Waksman and A. Desbat, in Lyon on September 11th 2017:

"First Productions of Turkish Ceramics in Western Anatolia: Contextualisation and Technical Studies"

Jacques' study contributed to the POMEDOR project through research on slips and glazes of Late Byzantine and Early Turkish pottery.

Defence announcement

Abstract of the PhD

Congratulations to Jacques!
by the president of the jury, on behalf of all the members (photo S. Shabo)

The Byzantine and Ottoman Pottery Production of Athens ywaksman
The Byzantine and Ottoman Pottery Production of Athens
Image credits
Pottery excavated in the Athenian Agora: tripod stilts (@ S.Y. Waksman)

A new POMEDOR intern, Lucie Courbe, is currently working in the framework of her MA Thesis with S.Y. Waksman in Lyon's laboratory, on the Byzantine and Ottoman Pottery Production of Athens.
The material under study comes from the American Excavations in the Athenian Agora and will be published by J.A.C. Vroom (Leiden University) and her team. It gave evidence for pottery manufacture in Athens Agora at the Ottoman period. Lucie will characterize this production by chemical analysis and investigate the hypothesis of an earlier one, typologically related to the MBP (Main Middle Byzantine Pottery, see Waksman, Kontogiannis, Skartsis, Vaxevanis 2014) produced in Chalkida.

Archaeometric analyses in Ephesos. A diachronic perspective

Submitted by ywaksman on
Start date and time
Thursday, 5 February 2015 - 2:00pm

A seminar focusing on archaeometric approaches to pottery studies in Ephesos, with a contribution by POMEDOR members Jacques Burlot and Yona Waksman on the Byzantine and Turkish periods.

Ephesos is one of the sites in Western Turkey where we are investigating the introduction of new pottery types, uses and technological features with the arrival of Turkish populations, at the Beylik and early Ottoman periods.