POMEDOR final conference, Lyon 19-21/5: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean ywaksman
Start date and time
Thursday, 19 May 2016
End date and time
Saturday, 21 May 2016

Within the rapidly expanding area of research on food and foodways, the medieval eastern Mediterranean is still very much an unexplored area. The aim of the POMEDOR project was to explore this new field in a multidisciplinary way and to stimulate further research.

Nourritures terrestres, nourritures célestes: la culture alimentaire à Byzance, Béatrice Caseau, ACHCByz Monographies 46, 2015

Submitted by ywaksman on
Text of presentation on the website of the editor: "Ce livre porte sur la culture alimentaire byzantine, sa constitution et la manière dont elle se différencie des cultures alimentaires juive, musulmane et chrétienne occidentale. Il se penche sur ses sources d’inspiration puisqu’elle opère une synthèse entre les exigences religieuses du christianisme et les recommandations diététiques de la médecine grecque.

Stockage et conservation des denrées alimentaires

Submitted by ywaksman on
Start date and time
Friday, 28 November 2014 - 9:45am

This meeting is focusing on storage and preservation of food products.

It is co-organized by PRALIM, a joint research theme of the "Maison de l'Orient" in Lyon dealing with diet in the Mediterranean across the ages, and with the GDR BioArchéoDat.

Program of the meeting

Program-questionnaire for a historical survey

Submitted by ywaksman on
Program-questionnaire for a historical survey
Image credits
Byzantines dining with Foreigners from East and West. Wall painting (1312), Vatopedi Monastery, Mount Athos, Greece.

Philippe Trélat posted on the POMEDOR members website (see "Network") a program-questionnaire for a historical survey, elaborated with the help of Nicolas TrépanierIlias Anagnostakis and Yona Waksman. The following areas of research are proposed:
1. The choice of cultivated plant species and livestock and hunted animals
2. Places of distribution
3. Methods of food preservation
4. Cultural values of different cooking methods
5. Changing dietary boundaries between communities

Members are welcome to contribute!

Religion and alimentary prohibitions: archeozoology and literary sources

Submitted by ywaksman on
Start date and time
Thursday, 3 April 2014
End date and time
Saturday, 5 April 2014
La confrontation des sources littéraires et des données archéologiques s'avère importante pour essayer de comprendre tout à la fois la mise en place des interdits alimentaires particuliers à une religion, les limites de la mise en pratique des interdits alimentaires et leur évolution dans le temps. Les interdits alimentaires et les restrictions sur la commensalité permettent à différents groupes religieux d’établir une frontière entre « eux » et « nous ». Il existe donc un corpus de textes normatifs appartenant aux droits religieux et civils interdisant la consommation d’aliments particuliers.

We welcome applications to our session at the 2014 EAA conference!

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We welcome applications to our session at the 2014 EAA conference!
Start date and time
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
End date and time
Sunday, 14 September 2014



See map: Google Maps



The European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 20th annual meeting will take place in Istanbul, on September 10th to 14th 2014.

It will host a session proposed by Joanita Vroom, Yona Waksman and Roos van Oosten, entitled:
"Medieval MasterChef. Eastern Cuisine and Western Food Customs: An Archaeological Perspective"

Theme: T04 Environment and subsistence: the geosphere, ecosphere and human interaction
session T04S011

The scope of this session is to discuss eating habits and food practices in Medieval Europe, using different approaches (archaeology, archaeometry, history) and specialities (e.g., ceramology, archaeozoology, archaeobotany, anthropology, etc.). Its perspective is that food, as a social and cultural marker, can be seen as a particularly significant factor in understanding complex relationships between a wide range of communities which were in contact, such as Byzantines, Muslims, Latins, Ottomans and others. Specific attention will be paid to the role of pottery (from transport amphorae to serving dishes or coarse wares) in the study of cuisine, cooking techniques and food customs. In this session we will investigate how, when and why transformations in pottery and other food-related markers took place, both in East and in West. Were developments in the East fundamentally different from those in the West? To what extent is it possible to link ‘cooking revolutions’ to changing pottery shapes, to changing food customs, to changing dietary practices, or perhaps even to house transformations? In short, can we understand these cultural and historical processes in an archaeological perspective?

Applications are welcome!
For more information:

The session is organized with the support of the French Institute for Anatolian Studies (IFEA).

Journée d'étude PRALIM POMEDOR: Pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée orientale antique tardive et médiévale

Submitted by admin_1 on
Start date and time
Friday, 8 November 2013 - 2:00pm

Listen to the podcast

During this meeting, co-organized with the theme PRALIM of the "Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée" in Lyon, members of the POMEDOR network will present different aspects of food and foodways in the late Roman and medieval Eastern Mediterranean and Middle-East:


International conference about food heritage : new appetites, new mythologies

Submitted by ywaksman on
Start date and time
Friday, 14 March 2014
End date and time
Saturday, 15 March 2014

Questions related to the POMEDOR project include food identity and patrimonial values. The symposium will examine how food heritage takes part in culinary productions, exchanges and circulation. What are transfers and mixing? which representations and mythologies are involved in new desires ?
